AlisQI Ideas

AlisQI Quality Management Software

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Create a AlisQI App
form builder
To use AlisQI on tablets, it will be useful to have a app.
Manage permissions per field, not only per set
form builder
Currently the AlisQI permission management works on the analysis set level. However, for some cases it might be beneficial to restrict access to fields. This would allow users to assign sections of...
Add more selection based fields
form builder
Currently you can use the field visibility option to only show certain fields based on a selection (from a required index field). It is only possible to do this once per analysis set. It would be...
Dependent Selection Lists
form builder
We are finding scenarios where we need to be able to have selection lists that are dependent on the choices of other selection lists in a form. This would give us better control on which options are...
Dark mode for ALIS
form builder
A dark mode for ALIS would be nice to have. In my opinion it's more pleasant to look at
Rights Management on Individual level
form builder
Currently rights management is done by groups. However in relatively small company where employees can have multiple roles assigned to them, or that you have a specific department with multiple...
Workflow to add attachment
form builder
The option in the workflow menu to automatically add an attachment/Reporting template to a result.
Selection lists - ability to multi-select options
form builder
Under review
We have come across a couple of scenarios where it would be very helpful to have the ability to select multiple options from a selection list. Currently, we can only accomplish the desired outcome...
Field Visibility Should Not Prevent Calculations
form builder
Currently, if you apply field visibility to fields in a data set, calculated fields stop working properly. This is problematic in that sometimes we want to be able to hide redundant or non-applicable fields...
Change colours of a pie chart
form builder
It would be nice to be able to change the colour of the different parts of a pie chart. Having a selection list of OK/NOK, AlisQI chooses blue for the OK-values, green for the NOK-fields.
Create your own newsfeed
News Ideas Roadmap