AlisQI Roadmap
AlisQI Quality Management Software
AlisQI feed by
API & Integration
qesh reporting
form builder
security & permissions
Feature request
In progress
Automatic reading of CoA from the mail by AlisQi
Primary Key Validation
Create a AlisQI App
Reason of change visible in "Pending confirmation"
Manage permissions per field, not only per set
Add more selection based fields
Dependent Selection Lists
Dark mode for ALIS
Rights Management on Individual level
Workflow to add attachment
Field Visibility Should Not Prevent Calculations
Change colours of a pie chart
Sharing dashboards
Approval flow for new documents
5xwhy Root cause analysis alternatives
Show technical ID in edit mode
Order of documents in a Model
alarm or a block when 2 people edit 1 result
Internal specs for selection lists
Change filter in dashboard
Auto resolve alarms
Set Default Values for Any Field Type
Export more data
Sorting attachments
Track if COA Emails are sent
Modification procedures (Change of document owner doesn't change in a started proposal??)
Webhook authentication
Add history option to workflow
H2 Delimiter improvement
Adding columns to existing Analysis Sets - Previous records
Add ≤ ≥ symbols in < > dropdown for numeric fields
Edit Record From Analysis Set List
Don't copy Field title to Abbreviation
Support video in AlisQI
Ability to select replacement when deactivating a user
Ability to add tooltips to fields.
Conditionally Required Field
Modification Procedures - Default View for Reviewing Procedures
Possibility to change the title in the modification and approval step
Give users/admin the ability to widen columns. Both as a default and as needed.
Create folders within the list of dashboards
Persist Lock Column
A risk-analysis registry
Select limited usergroups to sign off the eSignature
Training Records Module
Allow customers to change organization logo
Ability to set sort or display order of top-level menu items
Ability to create cards for homepage
User friendly name for Report template
defined field lengtht
Add Print Date feature to the AlisQI header
Change & Save default sorting in forms
Export document registry as one Excel-file
Document Confirmations Management Tool
Out of Spec shown on Reports
Date and Time Field Date Picker
Obtain efficiency in creating dashboards
Meer mensen toevoegen die een melding op het beginscherm ontvangen
Set a default sort for tables
Restricts the rights to start a workflow in an analysis set per user group
Version Management of Analysis sets
Audit trail on set relations and workflows
Permissions for Creating/Deleting Saved Filters
add your own starting number to the serial number sequence
Notification list only starts with Modification proposal, not when a new document is uploaded
Non visible legend on dashboards
Link a Document map to an Attachment frame in model
Document creation based on templates
Access Restriction Enhancements
Enable search on document folder title
Reporting template for Documents
Edit Capabilities in Results Overview
Specification approval workflow
Introduce the possibility of defining significant numbers
Customized COA email subject
Freeze certain field in the analysis set
Calculations that evaluate multiple results
Issue new required field
Filter based Function
Names for Workflows
Overview of document changes without formal approval
Blue progress bar clearer
Send user to link with workflow
Page Results Adjustment
Default Dashboards
Pop-up Pictures - Visual support inspections
Filter within existing dashboards
Rename set relations module titles
Mail just attachment and not result
Filtering Enhancement for Selection Lists
Ability for Initiator to abort modification procedure
Workflow - Create Multiple New Records
Analysis Set Filters
View email list where COA has been sent
More options of adjusting lay-out of input result screen
Multiple Selection under Access Restricted Block List
Possibility to sort in the document confimation list
Ability to add links back to models from analysis set
Enable multiple document confirmations
See Multiple 5x Whys on Full Result Page
Spacing of time based control charts
Create a refernce guide "cheat sheet" for calculations
Show edited workflow
Hide Columns in Dashboard View
Data Entry on Mobile Device
One-to-many Result transfer workflow
Work around for absent document owner/approvers
Store document confirmations of inactive users
Save and Add New
Filter option in alarm overview
Reset serialization string
Forms: Add text blocks
Link models to user groups
Add a median function to math
Trigger workflow on date and time
Create export list of user group with notification list
Let the user change password themselves
Multi-field or Generic Search
Workflow Trigger on Dynamic or Calculated Date
Show total amount of results in dashboard overview
Split out the Delete function for Test records separate from Alarms
Externally facing Dashboards
Adjust ALARM OVERVIEW dashboard
Justification/remarks field when deleting a result or a message
Different forms for entry vs edit
Documents Menu
More control over return URL in links
remark new document visible in trail
Error Reporting - Multiple Recipients
Add Home Dashboard
Allow selection of user group as notification email list in Workflow
Filters for Date/Time Fields
QESH Report RCA Alternatives
Workflow to update multiple valid (existing) results in target set
Status Update for Specification Upload
Customization options alarm overview
Display full link in model link
Stop button to stop a change process
Integrating the Chat Function from the Document Module into the Non-Conformities Module
Alarms overview API
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